Goodbye, Pond Algae!

Dealing With Yucky Green Pond Algae 

By: Inzo Valdevieso 

Have you ever looked at your backyard pond and seen gross green stuff floating in the water or growing on the rocks?  


That icky green stuff is algae. A little bit is normal and okay, but too much can really mess up your pretty pond. 


There are two main types of yucky algae that like to take over ponds: 

  1. Suspended Algae - This is the kind that makes the whole pond water turn green and cloudy, kind of like pea soup. It's made up of tiny algae plants everywhere. 
  1. String Algae - This one grows in long stringy clumps attached to rocks, plants, and surfaces in the pond. It looks like wet green hair or threads. 


So, what causes the gross algae to take over? A few main things: 

  • Too much sunlight hitting the pond 
  • Having way too many fish that poop a lot 
  • Feeding the fish more food than they can eat 
  • Extra fertilizers or chemicals getting into the pond water 


To prevent algae from taking over, you want to give it less of the things it dislikes....and more of what it does! Remember, ponds do not have to be over complicated. Adding larger plants to provide shade over the water and monitoring the amounts of food and treats given to your finned friends can aid in preventing algae. Overstocking fish and keeping fertilizers/chemicals too close to the pond area can cause problems, so be sure to be mindful of these things as well. 


If the algae have already gotten bad, you may need to work harder to get rid of it: 

  • Scoop out clumps of stringy algae with a net or your hands 


The key is keeping everything balanced so the algae can't take over. A little green is okay, but way too much makes an unsightly mess. With some simple steps, you can keep your pond water clear and algae under control! 

AlgaeBackyardFish foodOasisPondPond water