Fun Time Feeding Your Fantastic Fish

Hey there, my friend! Do you love watching your colorful fish swim and play in the pond? Seeing their bright scales flash in the sunlight as they glide through the water is just mesmerizing, isn't it? Feeding time is the best part of having a fishpond at home. It's fun for the whole family to gather around and give those hungry swimmers their daily meals! 

Feeding fish may seem simple at first - toss in food and watch them chow down, right? But there's an art to do it properly so your scaly pals stay healthy, and your pond stays clean and clear. Follow these 5 super tips to make feeding time even more awesome: 

Tip 1: Be a Feeding Superstar! The key to having very happy, well-trained fish is being consistent with when and where you feed them. Try to feed them at the same time each day, tossing their food into the same area of the pond. Your fish will learn this routine quickly and get excited when they see you arriving at their dinner! 

In the beginning after you first bring new fish home, they may be a little shy and not seem interested in the food you toss in. Don't worry, this is totally normal! Just sprinkle a little bit of food in gently and then move back from the pond's edge. Give them a few minutes of peace and quiet, and they'll soon catch the tantalizing scent of their meal and come eat it up. 

After just a few weeks of you faithfully feeding them at the same time and place each day, your fish will be completely conditioned to this schedule. The response you'll get when you approach their food will be amazing! They'll start zipping around feverishly, swarming the area you always feed them in eager anticipation like a hungry little underwater army! 

After going through a full season of this routine, your fish should be so well trained that they may even start eating right out of your hand. How cool is that? Just dangle your hand holding some yummy food morsels in the water and watch them fearlessly swim up and slurp it away. Bonding with your pets has never been so fun! 

Tip 2: Give Them the Good Stuff While it's entertaining to watch your fish gobble up anything you toss in; you need to be picky about what kind of food you give them. Since everything your fish eat or leave uneaten gets broken down in the pond over time, feeding them low-quality foods could lead to some nasty water problems. 

Ditch the bargain-basement fish foods you find on store shelves. Those cheap flakes and pellets tend to be made from horrible fillers like wheat, corn, and soy that just turn into murky, smelly sludge in your pond's ecosystem. Yuck! 

Your fish deserve the highest quality food to stay healthy, vibrant, and disease-free. That's why we recommend Koi Krunchies - they're specially made just for the fish in your backyard pond. Koi Krunchies are nutritionally optimized with protein, vitamins, and minerals so your fish get everything they need to thrive. 

The number one ingredient is real fish and other aquaculture proteins, not those yucky plant filler products. Studies have shown fish can digest proteins from other fish and seafood way better than proteins from plants like wheat or corn. Since fish naturally eat other fish in the real world, their bodies are perfectly evolved to make the most of those nutrients. 

Feeding your precious pets a high-quality diet means no more issues with your pond water turning into a gross greenish pea soup from uneaten food remnants. The superior ingredients in Koi Krunchies break down cleanly so the water stays pristinely clear. A well-fed fish is a happy, healthy, energetic fish after all! 

Tip 3: Snack Attack! While Koi Krunchies should be the staple main meal for your fishy friends, you can certainly surprise them with some fun treats from time to time too! Most fruits and veggies make great supplementary snacks that fish just go crazy for. 

Next time you're slicing up some fresh watermelon for your family, set aside a few pieces for your scaly pals. Toss those juicy pink chunks into the water and watch your fish swarm them in a snack frenzy! The natural sweetness drives them totally wild. 

You can experiment with all sorts of other fruit and vegetable snacks too. Melon, pumpkin, squash, peas, lettuce, and even oranges can make tasty treats for your underwater crew on occasion. Just make sure to remove any uneaten bits quickly so they don't cloud up the pond's water as they break down. 

For maximum snacking fun, consider getting the Koi Sock Net too! This handy little tool lets you hand-feed your fish easily and safely. Just load up some snack goodies into the soft, secure netting and dangle it into the water. Your fish can gently mouth at the treats through the net without getting snagged on any hooks or sharp objects. It's the perfect way to bond with your pets while giving them a deliciously healthy boost to their diet. 

Tip 4: Mealtimes Made Easy 
We know you're just looking to make your fishy friends happy but try not to get carried away when feeding them. Overfeeding is a super common mistake that can lead to some major water quality issues in your pond. The ultimate golden rule is to time how long it takes your fish to consume the amount of food you have given them – if it takes them more than 4-5 minutes – you might be over feeding and causing havoc to the help of your pond.  

Scatter that meal's portion of Koi Krunchies onto the surface of the pond or deposit them into the Koi Sock Net if you're hand feeding. As soon as you see the hungry feeding frenzy starts to slow down after a few minutes, that's your cue to stop serving more food. Those are full, satisfied tummies! 

Any uneaten food remnants just wind up sinking to the bottom of the pond and adding nasty waste to the water as they decay. This overloads your pump's filtration system and allows harmful sludge buildup, ammonia spikes, and algae blooms that can make your fish sick. 

It may be tempting to keep tossing food in to watch them eat with such enthusiasm but have some self-control! Your fish will be just as eager to eat at the very next appointed feeding time because you've trained them so well. Moderation is key to keeping both your pet fish and their environment in tip-top shape. 

Tip 5: Fish Eat...Fish? This one might sound a little weird to you at first: Yes, fish actually need to eat other fish as a big part of their diet! You read that right - studies show fish can digest proteins from other fish and seafood way better than proteins that come from plants like wheat or corn. 

Think about it - in the great big oceans and rivers of the natural world, fish eat all sorts of smaller prey like shrimp, plankton, insects, and even other smaller fish species. Their bodies have evolved over millions of years to make the most of those precious fish-based nutrients and proteins. 

So when you look at the ingredient list on a bag of cheap fish food from the store and see wheat, corn, or soy listed as the main ingredients, those probably aren't going to be the healthiest options for your pet pond fish. Plant-based proteins like those just get partially digested and wind up leaving a lot of murky, funky wasteful behind. 

On the other hand, fish proteins and oils are nutritionally optimized for maximum digestibility and assimilation by a fish's biological processes. That's why quality foods list real fish and other aquaculture proteins right at the top of the ingredient list. Your fish will more completely metabolize those foods into energy, color vibrancy, muscle growth, waste-free bodily functions, and overall vitality. 

Do you want your beloved “finned friends” to just survive or to truly thrive? Feeding a high-protein, low-waste diet is the way to go! Together with the other smart tips we've covered, you're guaranteed to have the happiest, healthiest, liveliest swimmers in the neighborhood pond. Just wait until your buddies see how spoiled your fish really are! 


BackyardFeeding fishFishFish foodKoiKoi krunchiesOasisPondPond water