Aquascape 1 Gallon Maintain, Clean, & Clear Bundle

Sale price$189.99


Maintain for Ponds

This easy-to-use water treatment contains a powerful blend of beneficial bacteria, phosphate binder, flocculant, and pond detoxifier. The included phosphate binder locks up excess nutrients that could otherwise cause issues with water quality, and the flocculant quickly clears cloudy water by clumping suspended debris. A pond water detoxifier is added to the formulation to remove and detoxify chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, and other toxins, making your pond water safe for fish and plants.

Clean for Ponds

Aquascape Clean for Ponds makes it easy to quickly optimize the quality and clarity of pond water while drastically reducing filter maintenance, keeping ponds clean, clear, and beautiful. Clean for Ponds uses a powerful blend of heterotrophic bacteria to naturally digest organic waste or sludge caused by uneaten fish food, fish waste, and decomposing leaves and debris. The high concentration of bacteria will work to clean between rocks and gravel while keeping pond filters clean, including filter mats and biological filter media.

Clear for Ponds

Aquascape Clear for Ponds contains a concentrated formulation of ingredients designed to eliminate unsightly water conditions, solving even the most stubborn water quality problems. The specialized formulation contains a blend of clarifiers designed to clear cloudy or discolored water and reduce debris that attaches to rocks and gravel. Clear for Ponds also contains a powerful phosphate binder to lock up excess nutrients that may otherwise cause water quality problems.

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